
James Tsai


脊骨神經醫師 / 物理治療師

Chiropractic physician and Physiotherapist

MESSAGE 治療疾病的根本原因,而不是僅僅治療症狀。 Treat the root cause of the disease, not just the symptoms.


  • 台灣大學物理治療系 學士畢業
  • 美國南加州健康大學脊骨神經醫學院 Doctor of Chiropractic畢業
  • Doctor of Chiropractic, Southern California University of Health Sciences, US in 2013
  • B.S., Physical Therapy, National Taiwan University

  • 美國脊骨神經醫師國考通過
  • ICPA孕產婦認證
  • 台灣國家專技高等考試 物理治療師
  • Chiropractic physicain registered in IL, WI USA
  • Pediatric and pregnacy training from ICPA
  • Physiotherapist registered in Taiwan


脊醫詹姆士在大學時期就讀台灣大學物理治療系,畢業後考取台灣物理治療師執照。在長輩的介紹下,前往美國學習脊骨神經醫學,並於2013年底從洛杉磯脊骨神經醫學院畢業。隨後也取得加州脊骨神經醫師執業執照,於Access Chiropractic Clinic及Cooperstown Chiropractic執業。在歷經美國臨床執業洗禮後,脊醫詹姆士在2014年底回到台灣服務。

在就讀脊骨神經醫學課程期間,對於醫學與人體有了重新的認識,這項提升不只是知識上的認識,更是因著對人體更多的了解,從而心裡升起對於造物主的敬畏。並透過脊骨神經醫學獨特的哲學思想,讓整個評估、診斷到治療,都賦予了有別於其他醫學專業的意義。在留美期間,脊醫詹姆士也落實自身所學,透過飲食及生活型態的調整,也讓過去不適的腸胃漸漸康復,真正發現這是一個可以讓自己先被改變的醫學。後來,因為興趣所使及面對懷孕的妻子還有腹中的孩子,所以在ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association)機構下朝孕產婦小兒的專科進修,脊醫詹姆士也很期待未來在脊醫德克物理治療所可以服務孕產婦及小兒族群。

德克與詹姆士的第一次相遇在芝加哥,當時德克還是學生,對於孕產婦及小兒族群的治療十分有興趣,因此也報名了ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association)機構的訓練課程。沒想到在其中一次的課程中,巧遇了從台灣特地飛到芝加哥進修的詹姆士。德克畢業返回台灣後,也在詹姆士的邀請下,加入了台灣凱羅健康協會,一同與其他在台灣的脊醫們,推廣脊骨神經與立法。脊醫德克在決定要開設治療所時,便不斷遊說詹姆士一同加入,在多次的溝通下,終於邀請到脊醫詹姆士的加入,強化治療所在孕產婦與小兒治療的能量。脊醫詹姆士將在每周四(隔週)提供服務,有興趣想要了解更多治療相關問題,歡迎來訊諮詢。

Dr. James began his academic journey in Physical Therapy at National Taiwan University, where he earned his undergraduate degree and became a licensed physical therapist in Taiwan. Encouraged by his mentors, he moved to the United States to study chiropractic medicine, graduating from the Los Angeles Chiropractic College at the end of 2013. He then acquired his chiropractic physician's license in California and gained valuable clinical experience at AccessChiropractic Clinic and Cooperstown Chiropractic.

During his chiropractic education, Dr. James developed a profound understanding of medicine and the human body, deepening his awe for the Creator. This new perspective, coupled with the unique philosophy of chiropractic medicine, provided him with meaningful insights from assessment and diagnosis to treatment. While in the U.S., he applied his knowledge to improve his own health, particularly his digestive system, through dietary and lifestyle changes. This personal transformation sparked his interest in a holistic approach to medicine.

Motivated by his growing interest and his wife's pregnancy, Dr. James pursued specialized training in prenatal and pediatric care under the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). He is now dedicated to serving pregnant women and children at Dr. Dirk Chiropractic & Physical Therapy Center.

Dr. James first met Dr. Dirk in Chicago, where Dr. Dirk, a student with a keen interest in prenatal and pediatric care, was enrolled in ICPA courses. Their paths crossed unexpectedly during one of these sessions, leading to a collaborative relationship. Upon returning to Taiwan, Dr. Dirk joined the Taiwan Chiropractic Health Association at Dr. James' invitation, working together to promote chiropractic care and legislation.

When Dr. Dirk decided to establish the clinic, he persistently invited Dr. James to join. After numerous discussions, Dr. James accepted the offer, enhancing the center's expertise in treating pregnant women and children. Dr. James will be available for consultations every other Thursday.

For more information about chiropractic care or to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us.

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