在脊骨神經醫學及物理治療領域,小兒治療需要經驗豐富且高度專業技巧的從業人員。在脊骨神經醫學的概念下,我們對於一個人的照顧從受精卵時期就開始。在前述的孕產婦應用中我們提到了調和子宮周邊肌筋膜張力的重要性,這項成果除了可以減緩生產過程帶來的疼痛外,良好的子宮周邊肌筋膜彈性也可以讓胎兒在孕程中有更多空間成長,減少新生兒出現斜頸症的發生率。In chiropractic care and physical therapy, pediatric treatment requires experienced and highly skilled professionals. Under the concept of chiropractic philosophy, we extend our care to an individual starting from the fetal stage. In the previously mentioned application for expectant mothers, we highlighted the importance of balancing the tension in the muscles and fascia surrounding the uterus. By promoting good elasticity in the muscles and fascia around the uterus, we create more space for the fetus to grow during pregnancy. It not only helps alleviate the pain associated with the birthing process but also contributes positively to reducing the incidence of torticollis in newborns.
在自然產的分娩過程中,除了對於產婦是一大挑戰外,子宮、骨盆與產道的收縮及擠壓,也同時會對於骨骼尚未成熟的新生兒造成類似於成人出現落枕的影響。典型的症狀包括新生兒在哺乳時偏好同一側,當試圖轉換到另一側時,新生兒可能表現出掙扎、哭鬧等壓力反應。這種不良影響若無及時改善,可能導致新生兒肌張力不平衡,進而影響運動發展,甚至是動作發展遲緩。During the vaginal delivery process, which poses a significant challenge for mothers, the contraction and compression of the uterus, pelvis, and birth canal also affect newborns' immature skeletons similarly to how adults might experience neck strain. Typical symptoms include a newborn preferring one side during breastfeeding. When attempting to switch sides, the newborn may show signs of struggling, crying, or other stress responses. If this negative impact is not promptly addressed, it may lead to imbalances in the newborn's muscle tension, potentially affecting motor development and even causing delays in movement milestones.
我們擁有經過小兒科相關訓練的留美脊骨神經醫師和物理治療師,為您的寶寶提供專業治療,協助您的孩子健康成長。Our team have chiropractors and physical therapists with specialized training in pediatrics, ensuring professional treatment for your baby and assisting in their healthy growth.
青少年常見的神經肌肉骨骼問題主要包括脊椎側彎和頸椎弧度僵直。這兩種疾病在青少年階段較容易發現,通常是由於錯誤的姿勢和過去的受傷所導致。然而,由於青少年的肌肉骨骼發展尚未成熟,這些問題往往不會顯示出明顯的症狀,容易被忽略。因此,這兩種疾病通常在成年後才因出現症狀而受到重視。成年後,這些問題也可能導致脊椎永久性改變,如脊椎骨刺增生和頸椎反弓。We see two common neuro-musculoskeletal issues in adolescents include scoliosis and cervical hypolordosis. These conditions are primarily due to incorrect posture and past injuries. However, since the musculoskeletal development in adolescents is not fully mature, symptoms may be easily overlooked and not noticeable. These underlying conditions are usually recognized in adulthood when symptoms become severe and apparent. In adulthood, these conditions can lead to permanent changes in the spine, such as spinal spur and cervical hypolordosis.
當脊椎退化進展到不可逆的階段時,常見的症狀包括頻繁的落枕、慢性頸部疼痛或肢體末梢神經麻痺。這些症狀一旦出現,通常需要長時間的治療才能緩解。When spinal degeneration reaches the irreversible stage, common symptoms may include frequent neck strains, chronic cervicogenic headaches, or peripheral nerve paralysis in the limbs.
在常規的健保復健治療中,通常使用儀器治療和藥物治療來協助治療,然而這兩種治療並不能真正改變脊椎退化的根本原因。根據脊骨神經醫學和實證醫學的研究,我們已經知道脊椎弧度的改變是導致脊椎退化的主要原因。因此,透過脊骨神經醫學的矯治可以恢復脊椎活動度、減緩脊椎關節的磨損,有助於防止脊椎退化性關節炎的進一步發展。Once the underlying condition showing the symptoms, we will need more treatments to alleviate the discomfort. In conventional rehabilitation treatments, we often combine modality and medication. However, these approaches cannot fundamentally alter the primary causes of spinal degeneration. Through the research in chiropractic medicine and evidence-based medicine, we understand that changes in spinal curvature are the main contributors to spinal degeneration. Therefore, correcting the spine through chiropractic medicine can restore spinal mobility, slow down joint wear and tear, and prevent degenerative joint arthritis in the spine. Combining chiropractic care with exercise therapy to strengthen the whole body, particularly the core muscles, helps stabilize the spinal alignment.
此外,結合運動治療的訓練,強化脊椎周邊脊核心肌群肌力,並提升全身神經肌肉協調能力,藉此穩定脊椎排列與增進脊椎活動度。因此,青少年如能在早期接受全面的脊骨神經醫學評估和照護,學習正確的脊椎放鬆和核心肌力訓練,將更有助於有效遏止隨年齡增長而帶來的脊椎退化問題。Hence, if adolescents receive comprehensive chiropractic care and therapeutic exercise early on, they will learn how to properly relax the body and strengthen the spine. Our team can help effectively delay the progression of spinal degeneration that often accompanies aging.