About Dr. Dirk clinic 關於脊醫德克

About Dr. Dirk clinic






Dr. Dirk Chiro & Physio Clinic specializes in chiropractic care and physical therapy, providing comprehensive services for individuals of all ages, from newborns to seniors. Our mission is to deliver a multidisciplinary and top-notch treatment experience. Our team holds licenses as both U.S. Chiropractic physician and Taiwanese Physical Therapists, experiencing formal chiropractic education and extensive international practice. Dr. Dirk’s clinic is the pioneering center in Taiwan that integrates chiropractic and physical therapy into treatments.

Following the principles of chiropractic care allows us to better understand the root causes of health issues. Chiropractic adjustments aim to remove nerve interference, enhance nerve conduction, reduce pain, and improve overall physical performance. We are committed to extending the positive effects of the treatment beyond the clinic, enhancing your overall quality of life. To achieve this, our skilled team of sports physical therapists not only helps with pain relief but also focuses on strengthening core muscles, correcting posture, and guiding you in proper movements to maintain a healthy spine.

Maintaining a healthy spine is an ongoing journey. At Dr. Dirk Chiro & Physio Clinic, we're here to work with you, ensuring the good effects of treatment become a natural part of your daily routine, so you can enjoy a life without pain.

  • 脊骨神經醫學及物理治療整合 Chiropractic medicine and physical therapy integration
  • 彼拉提斯 Pilates
  • 備孕與孕期健康及產後復原 Pregnancy health and preparation 、Postpartum recovery
  • 小兒與青少年神經肌肉骨骼疾病治療 Kids and adolescents neuromuscular disease
Chiropractic medicine and physical therapy integration脊骨神經醫學及物理治療整合

脊骨神經醫學的起源可以追溯到1896年,由脊骨神經醫師D.D. Palmer創立於美國。現今在歐美各國,脊骨神經醫學正蓬勃發展。在診斷過程中,脊骨神經醫師不僅仰賴患者提供的病史,還注重臨床診斷工具,如觸診、理學評估、影像檢查等,以辨識受壓迫的神經系統。透過多元的脊骨神經矯正術(又稱凱羅術),有助於減緩神經壓迫、促進神經傳導、恢復運動表現,進而減少神經肌肉系統的發炎,實現有效根治疾病的治療理念。Chiropractic medicine originated in the United States in 1896 with D.D. Palmer as the first chiropractor. Today, it has gained popularity in the Western world, including Europe and North America. When you visit a chiropractor, they inquire about your health and employ hands-on techniques, examinations, and diagnostic imaging to identify compressed nerves.

然而,大多數的人體疼痛問題非一朝一夕所致,疾病的演變也可能引起多種軟組織功能異常。例如,常見的脊椎側彎、椎間盤狹窄、椎間盤突出、關節骨刺等,均是長時間受傷所致的病理現象。為了全面改善症狀並延緩神經、肌肉、骨骼系統的持續退化,脊骨神經醫學結合物理治療領域的運動治療成為您最佳的治療選擇。脊骨神經矯治能協助減緩神經壓迫、促進神經傳導與運動表現,同時透過專業運動治療師的指導,糾正過去的不當姿勢與運動習慣,使身體擺脫脊椎疼痛的困擾。Chiropractors perform adjustments, known as chiropractic manipulative therapy (CMT), to address nerve interference, enhance muscle performance, and reduce inflammation. Health issues do not arise overnight, and spinal problems like scoliosis, narrow discs, disc herniation, or bony spurs require attention. To comprehensively address these factors, our physical therapists incorporate Pilates training to enhance your spinal mobility, stability, and strength for optimal results.
At Dr. Dirk Chiro & Physio Clinic, we offer a multidisciplinary approach not only to treat symptoms but also to alleviate the root causes of discomfort, promoting overall well-being.


彼拉提斯是一種在墊上、器械床、凱迪拉克床以及其他彼拉提斯器械上進行的運動方式。透過結合物理治療的元素,彼拉提斯專注於全身動作的控制流動,以及一節一節的脊椎活動和伸展。在進行彼拉提斯動作時,強調將意念帶入肌肉,穩定發力。Pilates exercises can be done on various equipment like a mat, Reformer, Cadillac, and other specialized equipment. When Pilates is combined with physical therapy, the focus is on controlling smooth, full-body movements, specific spinal activities, and stretching. Pilates emphasizes achieving muscle stability and strength through mindful engagement. It's beneficial for common issues such as poor posture, decreased vitality due to inactivity, and discomfort in the neck, chest, and lower back.

彼拉提斯對於常見的姿勢不良、由於長期缺乏活動而導致的活力下降、以及頸胸腰椎不適都可接受皮拉提斯獲得改善。當神經肌肉骨骼疾患的疼痛得到控制後,透過彼拉提斯可重建與身體的連結,提高對身體變化的敏銳度,全面提升肌力和脊椎全方位的控制。此外,彼拉提斯所學的技巧也可應用在日常生活或工作中,預防未來可能出現的神經、肌肉、骨骼傷害。After managing pain, Pilates helps reconnect the body, enhancing the effectiveness of treatment. This approach improves body awareness, overall strength, and full-range control of the spine. The skills gained from Pilates can also be applied in daily life or work to prevent potential neuro-muscular-skeletal injuries.

結合脊骨神經治療的療效,如降低脊椎疼痛、平衡肌肉張力、增加神經傳導,再加入彼拉提斯的動作訓練,能夠維持更長期且有效的治療效果。Additionally, incorporating Pilates exercises after chiropractic therapy helps maintain its effectiveness in reducing spinal pain, balancing muscle tension, and improving nerve conduction.

Pregnancy health and preparation 、Postpartum recovery備孕與孕期健康及產後復原

在現今的生活模式中,忙碌的工作以及長期使用類似的姿勢生活,嚴重影響到我們的骨骼及肌肉系統發展。女性的子宮作為孕育胚胎發育的唯一場所,更是容易受到骨骼及肌肉系統的失能影響,導致子宮的伸縮性受限於周邊軟組織與骨骼。主要是因為子宮透過四條韌帶來連結腹壁以及骨盆,藉此維持子宮在體外的位置。這四條韌帶分別是子宮闊韌帶、子宮骶韌帶、子宮圓韌帶以及主韌帶。當骨盆關節位置長期處在前傾或後傾時,將會直接影響到這四條串聯骨盆與子宮間的韌帶緊繃程度,富有可收縮特性的子宮形狀因此會變形。In today's sedentary lifestyle, prolonged use of similar postures and hectic work routines can significantly impact women’s reproductive health. The uterus, where embryos develop, is especially sensitive to musculoskeletal issues, limiting its flexibility due to the surrounding soft tissues and bones. The uterus is connected to the abdominal wall and pelvis through four ligaments: the broad ligament, sacro-uterine ligament, round ligament, and the cardinal ligament. Prolonged forward or backward tilting of the pelvic joint affects the tension in these ligaments, causing the uterus to deform with its natural contractile characteristics.

透過脊骨神經醫學的專業矯正,我們幫助女性促進腰椎骨盆活動度、平衡臟器肌肉筋膜張力,藉此提供子宮在骨盆腔內的活動空間。當胎兒在母體內有足夠的活動空間時,也能避免因為空間不足導致生長過程的擠壓,影響到頸部肌肉發育,造成新生兒斜頸症的發生。Chiropractic care offers professional corrections that help women enhance lumbar-pelvic mobility and balance visceral tension, providing ample space for the uterus in the pelvic cavity. This helps prevent compression during fetal movement, reducing issues like torticollis in newborns.

除此之外,孕期中搭配皮拉提斯訓練骨盆核心肌力,能有效提升產程中的肌肉收縮能力,幫助產婦更有效的推動胎兒通過產道,減少產婦會陰私裂與產後下背痛等發生率。透過我們專業的介入,將會扭轉孕產婦對自然產的恐懼,攜手帶您游刃有餘的面對孕產過程,提升孕產婦的自然產體驗與產後恢復。Additionally, incorporating Pilates training during pregnancy enhances pelvic floor strength, whole body relaxation, and muscle contraction during labor. Pilates assists in preparing for a safer labor and delivery, minimizing the chances of tearing and experiencing lower back pain after childbirth.
Dr. Dirk chiro & physio clinic aim to ease the anxiety of natural childbirth, guiding expectant mothers through pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum recovery with confidence and support.

Kids and adolescents neuromuscular disease小兒與青少年神經肌肉骨骼疾病治療

在脊骨神經醫學及物理治療領域,小兒治療需要經驗豐富且高度專業技巧的從業人員。在脊骨神經醫學的概念下,我們對於一個人的照顧從受精卵時期就開始。在前述的孕產婦應用中我們提到了調和子宮周邊肌筋膜張力的重要性,這項成果除了可以減緩生產過程帶來的疼痛外,良好的子宮周邊肌筋膜彈性也可以讓胎兒在孕程中有更多空間成長,減少新生兒出現斜頸症的發生率。In chiropractic care and physical therapy, pediatric treatment requires experienced and highly skilled professionals. Under the concept of chiropractic philosophy, we extend our care to an individual starting from the fetal stage. In the previously mentioned application for expectant mothers, we highlighted the importance of balancing the tension in the muscles and fascia surrounding the uterus. By promoting good elasticity in the muscles and fascia around the uterus, we create more space for the fetus to grow during pregnancy. It not only helps alleviate the pain associated with the birthing process but also contributes positively to reducing the incidence of torticollis in newborns.

在自然產的分娩過程中,除了對於產婦是一大挑戰外,子宮、骨盆與產道的收縮及擠壓,也同時會對於骨骼尚未成熟的新生兒造成類似於成人出現落枕的影響。典型的症狀包括新生兒在哺乳時偏好同一側,當試圖轉換到另一側時,新生兒可能表現出掙扎、哭鬧等壓力反應。這種不良影響若無及時改善,可能導致新生兒肌張力不平衡,進而影響運動發展,甚至是動作發展遲緩。During the vaginal delivery process, which poses a significant challenge for mothers, the contraction and compression of the uterus, pelvis, and birth canal also affect newborns' immature skeletons similarly to how adults might experience neck strain. Typical symptoms include a newborn preferring one side during breastfeeding. When attempting to switch sides, the newborn may show signs of struggling, crying, or other stress responses. If this negative impact is not promptly addressed, it may lead to imbalances in the newborn's muscle tension, potentially affecting motor development and even causing delays in movement milestones.

我們擁有經過小兒科相關訓練的留美脊骨神經醫師和物理治療師,為您的寶寶提供專業治療,協助您的孩子健康成長。Our team have chiropractors and physical therapists with specialized training in pediatrics, ensuring professional treatment for your baby and assisting in their healthy growth.

青少年常見的神經肌肉骨骼問題主要包括脊椎側彎和頸椎弧度僵直。這兩種疾病在青少年階段較容易發現,通常是由於錯誤的姿勢和過去的受傷所導致。然而,由於青少年的肌肉骨骼發展尚未成熟,這些問題往往不會顯示出明顯的症狀,容易被忽略。因此,這兩種疾病通常在成年後才因出現症狀而受到重視。成年後,這些問題也可能導致脊椎永久性改變,如脊椎骨刺增生和頸椎反弓。We see two common neuro-musculoskeletal issues in adolescents include scoliosis and cervical hypolordosis. These conditions are primarily due to incorrect posture and past injuries. However, since the musculoskeletal development in adolescents is not fully mature, symptoms may be easily overlooked and not noticeable. These underlying conditions are usually recognized in adulthood when symptoms become severe and apparent. In adulthood, these conditions can lead to permanent changes in the spine, such as spinal spur and cervical hypolordosis.

當脊椎退化進展到不可逆的階段時,常見的症狀包括頻繁的落枕、慢性頸部疼痛或肢體末梢神經麻痺。這些症狀一旦出現,通常需要長時間的治療才能緩解。When spinal degeneration reaches the irreversible stage, common symptoms may include frequent neck strains, chronic cervicogenic headaches, or peripheral nerve paralysis in the limbs.

在常規的健保復健治療中,通常使用儀器治療和藥物治療來協助治療,然而這兩種治療並不能真正改變脊椎退化的根本原因。根據脊骨神經醫學和實證醫學的研究,我們已經知道脊椎弧度的改變是導致脊椎退化的主要原因。因此,透過脊骨神經醫學的矯治可以恢復脊椎活動度、減緩脊椎關節的磨損,有助於防止脊椎退化性關節炎的進一步發展。Once the underlying condition showing the symptoms, we will need more treatments to alleviate the discomfort. In conventional rehabilitation treatments, we often combine modality and medication. However, these approaches cannot fundamentally alter the primary causes of spinal degeneration. Through the research in chiropractic medicine and evidence-based medicine, we understand that changes in spinal curvature are the main contributors to spinal degeneration. Therefore, correcting the spine through chiropractic medicine can restore spinal mobility, slow down joint wear and tear, and prevent degenerative joint arthritis in the spine. Combining chiropractic care with exercise therapy to strengthen the whole body, particularly the core muscles, helps stabilize the spinal alignment.

此外,結合運動治療的訓練,強化脊椎周邊脊核心肌群肌力,並提升全身神經肌肉協調能力,藉此穩定脊椎排列與增進脊椎活動度。因此,青少年如能在早期接受全面的脊骨神經醫學評估和照護,學習正確的脊椎放鬆和核心肌力訓練,將更有助於有效遏止隨年齡增長而帶來的脊椎退化問題。Hence, if adolescents receive comprehensive chiropractic care and therapeutic exercise early on, they will learn how to properly relax the body and strengthen the spine. Our team can help effectively delay the progression of spinal degeneration that often accompanies aging.



How to schedule an appointment for the first visit? What is the first visit treatment routine procedure?
  • 第一次看診請電話或LINE 聯繫客服預約,並請提前 5-10分鐘報到填寫初診表。

    Please schedule your First appointment through calling or LINE app. Arrive 5-10minuts early to fill out the new patient form.

  • 亞健康族群健康促進請直接LINE詢問。

    For wellness care purpose, please consult via LINE app.

  • 有疾病診治需求時,看診時需具備: 任一科別診斷證明書、 若有影像檢查如X光或MRI請攜帶過來,以便治療師評估。

    For disease treatment: Please provide the following documents at your first visit for better evaluation.

    1. The diagnosis certificate from your medical doctor
    2. X ray, MRI images, or any other helpful images

複診皆可藉由LINE 預約系統進行預約,更方便喔。

To schedule follow-up appointments, we offer LINE app for self-scheduling.


How much does the treatment cost ?

脊骨神經治療合併物理治療 Chiropractic and physical therapy

1500 元(NTD)

彼拉提斯運動治療 Pilates therapy
1對1 one on one session 2200 元(NTD)
1對2 2 person session 2800 元(NTD)

提供的付費方式: 現金 信用卡

Payment: cash / credit card



Dr. Dirk chiro& physio clinic provide treatment for any spinal related disease and spine wellness care.
Common diseases include cervicogenic headache, upper back pain, spinal degeneration, numbness or soreness in the limbs. We offer treatments for various spine issues.
Or you are experiencing the following conditions and seeking to improve your health:

01 工作及生活型態導致長期肩頸、姿勢不良、腰部痠痛,未有明顯疾病惡化,但痠痛就是身體的警示訊號,針對這類族群我們團隊幫助您遠離酸痛並預防後續可能導致的脊椎退化、椎間盤突出、慢性疼痛問題。


Musculoskeletal Discomfort: If you're dealing with shoulder and neck discomfort, bad posture, or lower back pain due to work and lifestyle, our team can help prevent chronic pain and long-term spinal issues.

02 產後復原期可能因為傷口或產後感覺身體鬆散,因為身體結構、脊椎、擴張的骨盆及腹直肌正在適應生產後的狀態,這期間可藉由脊骨神經治療調整脊椎及骨盆結構及預防產後常見的下背痛及肩頸僵硬,產後兩個月逐漸加入運動治療,使神經及肌肉更有效率的發揮功能加速產後復原的速度。


Postpartum Changes: Having a baby brings significant physical changes. During postpartum recovery, you may feel your whole body structure is loose and somewhat falling apart. Some may experience issues like a leaky bladder or back pain. After 6-8 weeks postpartum, it's an ideal time for a checkup with our chiropractors and therapists to regain physical health and prevent symptoms from worsening.

03 現代生活習慣多是坐姿為主,擔心長期活動不足造成的整體肌力、活力下降的族群,可藉由運動訓練重拾活力,並預防肩頸痠痛及下背痛的產生。


Sedentary Lifestyle Concerns: Due to a sedentary lifestyle, you may feel low vitality and fatigue, with concerns about decreased whole-body muscle strength. Our team can actively help you move your body, facilitating the regaining of physical energy.

04 中老年族群想維持身體機能,延緩老化速度,期望維護老年生活品質。


Aging Well: Middle-aged and older individuals looking to stay active, slow down aging, and enjoy a better quality of life can achieve improved body function with our professional team.


If you are interested in the treatments or unsure whether your symptoms suitable for treatments, we offer free consultation through LINE.

CONTACT 我們提供免費諮詢,如果您有任何問題或疑慮,歡迎與我們聯繫。 INQUIRE NOW

  • 看診時間 / 上午 09:00 ~ 晚上 19:00 , 初診最晚18:00
  • 休診日 / 星期六下午、星期日、國定例假日

Tel. 02-2732-3234


看診時間09:00 12:0014:00 19:00